Verilog Code | Datapath and Controller Design | Design 1 | Multiplication by Repeated Addition
What are Data path and Control Paths in Digital domain ?
To begin with a basic idea, we need to understand that in any complex digital systems, the whole hardware is typically partitioned into two parts, data path and controller part.
The data path consists of the functional units where all the computations are carried out. So essentially a data path will consist of typically some registers to store some data , multiplexers or adders, subtractors, multipliers, counters and similar functional blocks. So in a datapath part there are a lot of hardware and things which are there but we are not specifying or telling exactly what to do with those hardware. All I can tell is that there are three registers, there is one adder , one subtractor and one counter but I am not specifying within the data path that exactly how I am going to use them.
So for that there will be a second part which is called a control path . Control path is nothing but a finite state machine (FSM) which s will be generating or providing some control signals for the data path in a particular sequence. And by doing that the data path will get activated accordingly and the operations will be carried out as per the intended requirement. The control path can also take some input from the data path okay to get information of status of the process.
Design Problem :
The first design we take in this regard is a very simple example where we are trying to multiply two integers by repeated addition. So the algorithm is like this we are let's say reading the two numbers A (multiplicand) and B (multiplier) , the product P .
Fig: Algorithm being implemented
Datapath Unit design :
The data is fed in by the data_in line to the databus. Whenever LdA, LdB control signals go HIGH, the daat from bus is taken and stored in register A and register B respectively. Initially register P, is set to 'zero' value via a control signal named clrP . Then , the data entries in A & P are fed into an Adder and the reuslt is stored back in P, whenver LdP signal goes high. The signals shown in blue are control signals .
After each iteration, we go on decrementing B by one unit . Data entry in register B is decremented to a value of B-1 , whenever control signal decB, goes HIGH. The value of B is monitored via the help of a comparator circuit , which produces an output signal eqz. This goes HIGH if B=0, else it's held in LOW state.
Control Path | FSM | Design :
Verilog Code | Top Level Datapath Module :
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module MUL_datapath(eqz, LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB, data_in,clk);
input LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB,clk;
input [15:0] data_in;
output eqz;
wire [15:0] X,Y,Z,Bout, Bus;
PIPO1 A (Bus,LdA,clk,X); // Register for A //
PIPO2 P (Z,LdP,clrP,clk,Y); // Register for P //
CNTR B(Bus,LdB,decB,clk,Bout); // Down counter for B //
ADD AD (Z,X,Y); // Adder Module //
EQZ COMP (eqz,Bout); // A comparator ,that checks if B = zero or not //
Verilog Code | Blocks in Datapath Module :
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
/************************* Register Module for data of A **********************/
module PIPO1(
input [15:0] din,
input ld,
input clk,
output reg [15:0] dout
always@(posedge clk)
dout<= din;
/************************* Register Module for data of P **********************/
module PIPO2(
input [15:0] din,
input ld,
input clr,
input clk,
output reg [15:0] dout
always@(posedge clk)
dout<= 16'b0;
else if (ld)
dout<= din;
/************************* Adder module for (A+P) **********************/
module ADD (out,in1,in2);
input [15:0] in1,in2;
output reg [15:0] out;
out = in1 + in2 ;
/*********** Comparator module for checking if B = zero or not ***************/
module EQZ (eqz,data);
input [15:0] data;
output eqz;
assign eqz = (data == 0); // eqz is assigned '1' , if data is equal to '0' //
/************************* Down-counter module for B **********************/
module CNTR (
input [15:0] din,
input ld,
input dec,
input clk,
output reg [15:0] dout
always@(posedge clk)
if(ld) // if load is active, load data into register of B //
dout<= din;
else if(dec) // If decrement signal is active, then decrement value of B //
dout <= dout-1;
Verilog Code | Control Path Module :
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module controller (LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB, done, clk, eqz, start);
input clk,eqz,start;
output reg LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB, done;
reg [2:0] state;
parameter S0 = 3'b000 , S1 = 3'b001 , S2 = 3'b010 , S3 = 3'b011 , S4 = 3'b100 ;
/************************ State Transistions **********************/
always@(posedge clk)
case (state)
S0 : if(start) state <= S1;
S1 : state <= S2;
S2 : state <= S3;
S3 : #2 if(eqz) state <= S4; // delay added so as to get better simulation results //
S4 : state <= S4;
default : state <= S0;
/************************ Generation of Control Signals **********************/
S0 : begin #1 LdA = 0; LdB = 0; LdP = 0; clrP = 0; decB = 0; end
S1 : begin #1 LdA = 1; end
S2 : begin #1 LdA = 0; LdB = 1; clrP = 1; end
S3 : begin #1 LdB = 0; LdP = 1; clrP = 0; decB = 1; end
S4 : begin #1 done = 1; LdB = 0; LdP = 0; decB = 0; end
default : begin #1 LdA = 0; LdB = 0; LdP = 0; clrP = 0; decB = 0; end
Verilog Code | Testbench :
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module testbench;
reg [15:0] data_in;
reg clk,start;
wire done;
wire [15:0] X,Y,Z,Bout, Bus;
MUL_datapath DP (eqz, LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB, data_in,clk);
controller CON (LdA, LdB, LdP, clrP, decB, done, clk, eqz, start);
begin clk = 1'b0;
#3 start = 1'b1;
#500 $finish;
always #5 clk = ~clk;
#17 data_in = 17; // Value to be loaded in A (Multiplicand) //
#10 data_in = 5; // Value to be loaded in B (Multiplier) //
$monitor ($time, "%d %b", DP.Y,done);
$dumpfile ("mul.vcd");
$dumpvars (0,testbench);
We come to an end of this post. I hope by the end of this post, reader realizes that design of complex digital designs can often by simplified by following a systematic breakdown approach into data path and control path units.
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nicely explained
ReplyDeletein the code how data_in and bus are related
ReplyDeleteimportant statement in datapath assign Bus=data_in;